Welcome new followers

I just want to thank all of my new followers although I don’t blog so much anymore, there’s certainly a lot material to read in my blog!

The main purpose of this blog has been to tell you more about my music but also about topics that interest me such as the environment, second hand and natural products.

My music is on Spotify, where it’s easy to find, follow the link or just search for Sadness Theory. My Instagram is @sadnesstheory and I will post pictures from my daily life and also new songs that I am writing.

Please let me know what you think of my music and my blog!

P.S I know this category has been very popular, recipes of smoothies, granola, chia pudding: food.

The environmental crisis scream!

The weather this summer, the fires in Sweden and other countries, the alarm that the experts raise have me really concerned about life on Earth.

Some years ago I wrote a song, Discover the flower in you, and I am happy for this for the song I would write now would be just a scream. To wake up, to make the leaders of the world see that this is the last chance.

The song is quite sad but with a ray of hope, everyone can discover the love to nature inside them. Now we have to be warriors and fight for our planet so that our children can experience the life on earth as we have had.

Some of the lyrics of the song (which also is on Spotify if you prefer):

Discover the flower in you
Lately I’ve been thinking about,
whatever is happening to us,
somehow we fear for the truth,
it’s like we get what we choose.

Lately I’ve been worrying about,
unthoughtfully I make decisions.
This is not a silly game,
nothing will ever be the same.

Discover the flower in you,
discover the flower in you,
discover the flower in you,
take the chance,
take the chance!

Pray for Brussels

I am very grateful that the people I know in Brussels have marked themselves as safe and some of them don’t live there anymore. I can’t help thinking that someone knew these people, some went to work in the morning and never came home. There are family and friends for some people that never came home again. I pray for them and send them my thoughts.

//Det ser ut som att de jag känner i Bryssel mår bra, vilket jag är otroligt tacksam för. Vissa av dem blir inte kvar längre, det är jag också väldigt tacksam för. Jag kan inte låta bli att tänka att någon kände dessa människor, någon vart deras familj eller vän, några gick till jobbet för att aldrig komma hem igen. I fredliga tider. Mina tankar och böner går till dem.

Getting very close to…

… 300 followers now. Even though my blogging is a little bit off right now I would be very happy if you recommended my blog. There are a lot to read, from second hand inspo to recipes and music.

And as always I would love to read your blog, comment and we will connect on social media.

//Hej, nya följare! Om du känner någon som vill ha inspo kring allt mellan secondhand, recept och musik, tagga mig! Jag vill också connecta med dig, länka din blogg, Insta, Pinterest, allt.